Friday, February 28, 2014

Town Revitalization Project

This is a poster displaying maps and charts I created using ArcMAP and MS Excel. The town of Bellingham in Massachusetts is planning to revitalize a part of their town: Pulaski Blvd. For this project, we had to create several maps identifying and and distinguishing between the different types of parcels in the neighborhood. I worked with the data given to us from the town of Bellingham. Descriptions and details are shown on the poster.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Walt Disney World Theme Parks

View Larger Map For this assignment, I had to label locations with pop-up information and pictures. I put latitude and longitude information into a MS Excel sheet, along with other attribute information about the location. I saved it as a CSV file and imported it into ArcGIS Online. I chose to label the Walt Disney World theme parks with unique symbols. Each symbol is a different size and represents the area difference(in acres) of each park. Larger symbols represent parks with a larger area. I got the data and pictures from Google. Here is the link to the Web Application: Web Application

Schools I Have Attended

this is my map
View Larger Map
iew Larger Map For this map, we had to do geocoding/mapping addresses. This is a map showing the locations of all the schools I have attended. I chose Imagery Basemap and zoomed into the locations of each school. I used the editing tool to select each school and label it as a point. Each location includes the name of the school and the school's address. I created this map on ArcGIS Online. Here is the link to the Web Application of this map: Web Application

Angelina Jolie's Tattoo Coordinate Locations

View Larger Map Adding (x,y) data into ArcGIS Online: This is a map showing the latitude and longitude locations of Angelina Jolie's tattoo. For this assignment, I put the latitude and longitude coordinates into a MS Excel sheet, saved it as a CSV, and imported it into ArcGIS Online. Web Appication

Newest Bridgewater State University Buildings

View Larger Map This is a digitized map showing the three newest buildings on the Bridgewater State University campus. The buildings are labeled with the name of the building and the year the building was completed. On ArcGIS Online, I created a polygon (an area editing tool) over each building to highlight where each building is. Web Application